It has been a deep seated desire of all human beings to see a society which can really  be termed as Manviya Samaj - Human Society, a society that ensures happiness of  every human being. Such a society will have to achieve, maintain and guarantee     

           (i)  Samadhan i.e. right understanding in every human being.    
           (ii) Samriddhi  i.e. prosperity in every family.    
           (iii) Abhay  i.e. fearlessness or mutual faith in the society    
           (iv) Saha-astitwa  i.e, mutual fulfilment in the nature    

Manviya Prabandhan (Human Management) is defined as the process that makes this human society possible by developing the human being who has the right knowledge of the Self, the existence, and his behaviour in the society .   

Manviya Prabandhan Sansthan aims at education, training and Culture development of the students in human management.    

Manviya Prabandhan Sansthan has been conceived on the basis of the right vision of the self. the society, the nature and the whole existence. It ensures that its student has all the three qualities viz.    
                    (i) Samadhan in himself.    
                    (ii) Samajikata (mutual fulfilment) in his behaviour.    
                    (iii) Swavalamban (self sufficiency) in his occupation    

It is committed to develop the students who are perennially happy by living in  vyavastha (harmony) themselves and who pave way for Perennial happiness of the whole society by developing the right understanding and realising vyavastha at all levels.    


1 - It provides education, training and production in an integrated manner.    
2. Institute works like a family. All activities are managed by teachers and students.    
3 - Institute is Self-sufficient in production and economics. Hence, No fees for the  students for  lodging, boarding or tuition.    
4. Every new knowledge is reinforced by regular practice and development of the culture that supports such practices.    
5. Students get well-versed and well-equipped with every relevant knowledge and know-how.    
6. Students achieve high level of action oriented education through simple  living and with most basic physical resources.    

The Institute has been conceived and started by :    

          (1) Prof. T.N. Agrawal : B.Tech. & M.Tech. (Electrical Engineering) from   BIT Mesra, has 28 years of experience of teaching engineering in REC  Rourkela, BHU IT, BIT Mesra, MNREC Allahabad and HBTI Kanpur    
 He has full fledged, prospering industries "M/S. NETPLAST LTD" &    
"M/S NETWORKS (P) LTD." He is also a well known expert in modern    
 management principles & TOM (Total Quality Management). Prof.   Agrawal is now fully devoted to giving a concrete shape to this institute.    

        (2) Shri G.P. Bagaria : B.Tech. and M.Tech. (Electronics Engineering) from IIT Kanpur, has experience of teaching for last 13 years. He also has the credit of establishing an Engineering college and particularly  Deptt. of Electronics and Computer Science at CGV Chitrakoot. An expert in Vedic Mathematics is now engaged in conception and realisation of this Institute.    

Institute offers a three years degree course on Human Management, a unique blend of Management, Technology & Commerce founded on self actualisation, self realisation & regular practice (Culture developments).    

Only 20 students every year to ensure personal care for every one.    

It is a new and challenging effort of its own kind, unparalleled in the history of education. The Question of Recognition from a traditional University, therefore, would not be very appropriate.    
It is basically the Capability and Competence of the students that will give recognition to them and the Institute    
Institute is confident that it will be natural for students to get self-employed as all necessary capability and competence will be developed during 3 years of their stay in the institute. However, institute will make efforts to ensure the proper placement for the initial batches.    

Manviya Prabandhan Sansthan is an innovative effort based on a new and complete vision. A vision is there but to make it a concrete reality, it calls for an active participation not ones from one or two individuals but from all those who feel concerned for the society, the nature and the whole humanity. It is with the expectation of active involvement from you all that this experiment has been conceived and launched Your participation may be ensured in the form of providing    
expertise, finance or infrastructure resources to the institute.     

As this institute is going to fulfill all that we as human beings want, it is natural that there will be an increasing demand for such institutes. it is planned therefore that 4 students in every batch will be specially trained to run (in a group of 2) such institutes. This will ensure that every institute paves way for creation of 2 new institutes every year, thus multiplying itself exponentially. The necessary financial and physical resources will certainly come from you all and from the society in general.   

This website is Designed and Maintained by Rakesh Mittal